Baptism is a sacrament which provides your child with entry into the Christian community. It is a sacrament through which your child will be welcomed into the parish community. When parents choose to present their child for baptism they make a commitment, through the sacrament, to bring their child up in faith and to help them to grow in friendship with God. The commitment and promises made at baptism are made before God and the parish community.
Baptisms take place in the parish on
First Saturday of the month at 12.00 noon
Third Saturday of the month at 12.00 noon
At least one months’ notice is required in order to allow time for the necessary preparation.
Please make your initial application for your child’s baptism in the sacristy after any Mass in the church.
It is necessary for the parents and, if possible, the godparents to attend a preparation meeting and to bring the completed Application Form. Attendance at this meeting will confirm the initial application.
You will be informed of the date of the meeting and provided with an application form when you make your provisional booking in the sacristy.
If you live outside the parish, you will need to provide a letter of permission from your own parish.
must be Confirmed Catholics
at least 16 years of age
be committed to practicing their faith
attend the preparation meeting, if possible.
Baptismal Team
The Baptismal Team members are trained parish volunteers who prepare parents for their child’s Baptism. They also assist at the Baptism ceremony.