The Sacrament of Marriage

Marriage, when it occurs in the church, is a Sacrament, recognised by both the state and the church.If you choose to get married in the church you are doing it in the context of faith and in relationship with God. There are two options if you choose to get married in the church:

(i) Celebration of the Rite of Marriage this takes about half an hour and takes place without Mass or Holy Communion. It involves hymns, scripture readings, homily, prayers and the Rite of Marriage. This is an option often made by those who have not been attending Mass regularly, but yet wish to have a church blessing on their union

(ii) The celebration of the Rite of Marriage within the context of Mass.
Whichever choice you make should be true to your commitment to faith and your own integrity.

It is necessary to provide at least three months notice to both Church and State and to contact a priest in the parish in which you live well in advance in order to obtain the necessary Church Documents.

It is usual for the Bride’s documentation to be completed by the Priest of her Parish, and for the Groom’s documentation to be looked after by the Priest of his Parish.
For pre-marriage Course ring Accord at (003531) 8404550 or see

  • A Baptismal Certificate, the long form including parents names within six months prior to the date of the marriage.
  • A Confirmation Certificate or at least evidence of Confirmation, if not noted on the Baptismal.
  • A  Certificate Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form issued by a Priest of your Parish where you have been resident for at least six months.
  • The priest of your Parish may require one or more Letter[s] of Freedom or perhaps an Affidavit to establish your Freedom to Marry. In some situations a letter from the parents may suffice.

    If either party has received a Civil Divorce in connection with a Civil Marriage the booking cannot be guaranteed until the Archbishop has given clearance. It is important to mention such a Civil Divorce to the priest immediately.

    Contact must be made in person, at least three months in advance of the marriage, with the Civil Registrar for Marriages for Dublin, at Joyce House, 8-11 Lombard Street East, Dublin 2.
    Phone: 01-8638200/19.

    For couples who are planning to be married outside the state we recommend contact with the priest of the parish in which they live at least six months in advance so that their completed documentation will be at the place of the marriage well in advance.

Marriage Enquiry
