Support Your Parish
What a year 2018 was for Palmerstown Parish Centre, it was a year of roller-coaster emotions!
At the beginning of 2018 it became apparent that the Fire Alarm System, Emergency Lighting and fire safety in general did not meet the required standards for a building used by the public and we were faced with the reality that if these issues were not resolved, Palmerstown Parish Centre would have to close which would have had a devastating effect on our community. The cost of bringing the premises up to the required standards was far beyond the resources of the parish.
Palmerstown Parish Centre is an integral part of Palmerstown village offering much needed social support to the community so it was imperative that it remained opened. The Parish Hall within the Centre dates back to circa 1870 and was originally a primary school.
The following groups currently operate out of the centre:- Palmerstown Day Care Centre provides meals for elderly people within our community. It offers clients the option to come into the Dining Room to have their meals or a “Meals on Wheels” delivery service (approximately 500 meals a week). This is a volunteer based organisation. Palmerstown Active Retirement Association offers social contact for the retired members within the community. It conducts activities five days a week – ballroom dancing, indoor bowls, exercise classes, a choir and art classes. AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) conduct two meetings a week. Other groups using the centre include Palmerstown Boxing Youth Club, Naíonra Thír Na nÓg, Yvonne’s Montessori School, Palmerstown Camera Club, Waterstown Warriors Walking Club and Paw Perfection Dog Training & Behaviour Classes.
At a public meeting on 8 February 2018, there was a huge outpouring of support from the community. Luke Moriarty (Moriarty Group) local businessman pledged to cover the cost of the Consultants fees in this project and agreed to come on board the Steering Committee. Councillor Gus O’Connell also came on board the Steering Committee. Local Architect, Anne Mahon, generously gave her time and expertise on a pro bono basis. Palmerstown Festival Committee decided not to hold their annual Summer Festival opting to fundraise for the Parish Centre. Palmerstown Camera Club produced a very impressive 2019 Calendar to celebrate their tenth anniversary and to fundraise for the Parish Centre. Local businesses provided support and made contributions to the works fund. The young and old of the community all played their part in fundraising determined to keep the keystone of Palmerstown Village opened.
The works project was approved by the Archdiocese and Ladgrove Limited was appointed to carry out these works. Works commenced on 9 July 2018. Luke Moriarty was instrumental in organising the personnel to oversee the project, ensuring the work was completed to a high standard, on time and within budget. In addition to this, Luke Moriarty made a personal contribution by way of providing Palmerstown Parish Centre with extra renovation works which transformed the building. The consultants on this project very kindly waived their fees – Architect: Anne Mahon, Mechanical Engineer: Richard Dixon and Fire Consultant: Donal O’Keeffe. In addition, South Dublin County Council made a contribution of €30,000 towards the works fund.
Palmerstown Parish Centre reopened on 3 September 2018 to the delight of the community. Fundraising was ongoing as we had a large deficit to clear, but the centre has reopened and is continuing to provide essential social support to the community.
I am now delighted to announce that this debt deficit has been cleared.
In June 2019 we received €28,276.97 from The Albert Gubay Charitable Foundation and €30,000 from SHARE (Archdiocese of Dublin).
Funds/Fundraising Received
Church Gate Collection on 14/15 April € 1,258.42
Molly O’Callaghan’s Go Fund Me Donation € 1,369.76
Percy French Benefit Night € 5,646.47
Yvonne’s Montessori Cake Sale € 415.00
Tax Back from St Philomena’s Church Donations for 3 Years €31,125.38
Ruth Shine School of Dance Fundraising Event € 580.00
Palmerstown Festival Bag Packing Fundraising Events € 2,585.00
Mid-Summer Night’s Concert € 4,846.25
Camera Club Calendar € 1,510.00
Palmerstown Credit Union Donation € 5,000.00
Donations Received (Personal, Business & Anonymous) €22,234.80
South Dublin County Council €30,000.00
Albert Gubay Charitable Foundation €28,276.97
SHARE – Archdiocese of Dublin €30,000.00 €164,848.05
Less Cost of Renovation Works €141,234.07
Credit Balance €23,613.98
When you subtract the interest on an overdraft facility, this leave €22,000 as a credit balance. This credit balance will go towards our next project – replacing the roof of the Parish Centre!
I would once again like to express my grateful thanks to all the people mentioned above; to our hard-working Steering and Fundraising Committees who were the backbone of our fundraising campaign and all who volunteered at the above events.
Lastly but by no means least, I would like to thank the Community of Palmerstown. It is heartening to see how our crisis was embraced and the generosity of the people of Palmerstown. Community Spirit is truly alive and vibrant in Palmerstown!
Canon Tony Reilly, P.P.