Collections and Donations
What are the Church Collections for?
There are two collections taken up in the Church every Sunday and on Holy Days. The first collection is for the support of all the priests including retired priests of the Diocese. The second collection is for SHARE which funds the essential services of the Archdiocese.
Special Collections
Occasionally the second collection for SHARE is replaced by special collections for example – Accord, Crosscare, St Vincent de Paul or Missions:-
CROSSCARE provides for accommodation to homeless people in Dublin – Youth Programmes – Food Centres.
ACCORD provides marriage guidance and counselling service.
Family Offering Collection
The other collection in the parish is the Family Offering Collection – this money is collected weekly by way of an envelope – some parishioners donate by standing order. This collection is the only one that goes towards the upkeep and development of our parish and covers expenditure such as – Secretary and Sacristan Wages, Heat, Light, Electicity, Repairs, Maintenance, Altar Supplies, Candles, Mass Leaflets.
Easter & Christmas Dues
These offerings are all lodged to a Common Fund administered by the Diocesan Office and are used to support all the serving and retired priests of the Diocese – Dues are not kept in the parish.
Example: If you make a donation of €250- St Philomena’s Parish can claim a tax refund of €112.32 – that’s equal to 45% of your donation, giving the parish a total benefit of €362.32.
We hope you find this information helpful in understanding where your contributions go.
If you would like to help towards the ongoing upkeep of our church (which is a listed building), please contact our Parish Secretary, Ruth Collender (Tel 6260900/Email: who can provide you with ways to donate.
You may also leave your contact details into the Sacristy.
Should you wish to make a Donation to our Parish, you may do so directly through the Parish Bank Account:-
Ulster Bank, Palmerstown Branch
St Philomena’s Church No. 1
IBAN: IE61 ULSB 9850 4529 4870 21
You can also donate online by clicking the Easy Payment Plus button below:-